Sunday, July 10, 2011

How is a C-section carried out?

Under cases of C-section the type of anesthesia is used for the purposes of carrying out administration of anesthesia. Whenever you have an epidural catheter in your place you can resort to extra medication which can be administered by the catheter to make you numb totally for enabling you to be devoid of pain below the chest level.

Cesarean Section In case if you do not have an epidural you can administer quicker and easier form of anesthesia in your spinal cord. Under both the conditions invariably you can witness a lot of pain relief and you can be aware of the entire procedure. In rarest of rarity cases between life and death minutes can bring a whole lot of difference for the purposes of being asleep during the course of surgery when inducement can be administered by the induction of anesthesia.

For drainage of fluid a nurse will normally utilized a catheter in your bladder for continuous lying on the back when the bladder sits on top of the uterus. Whenever it is full this will be in the way of proper surgery. The nurse also takes care of cleaning up your hair for enabling operations to be performed.

C section While you lie on the operation bed you will be placed proper administration of anesthesia by attachment of various monitoring devices which should be used for controlling your rate of heartbeat, pressure on the blood, as well as the oxygen content in your blood. You will also be supplemented with a placement of whole body when you have an intravenous line in position for receiving any medication or fluids which you might require during the course of surgery. The procedures and equipment may be fearsome but they are totally devoid of causing pain.
They will take precautions for washing you with the soap as well as surgical drapes will be placed all over your body except on the portion of your head. When the surgery is started you will not be in a position to feel it. Throughout the whole procedure you should ensure that if you are awake, proper attendants should be placed for the purposes of enabling your safety at all times.

A C-section gets completed within an hour and it takes less than a few minutes to take the baby safely out. The rest of the time you are required to take care of sutures for the abdominal tract. Next C-sections take longer time however, for the purposes of taking care of the tissues impregnated with scars.

Once the surgery is completed your recovery room can be taken care of by taken into it after several hours of observations. You can also take precautions for getting the baby nursed for the first time.

c section The recovery period for C-section is slightly longer than the normal delivery. You are required to be in the hospital for 3 to 4 days and you will most possibly take pain in medication for easing out the pain in the incision.

In spite of awe inspiring techniques as well as equipments and conditions the object of this exercise is to cater to the needs of the well being of the child as well as the mother. This can be achieved by a proper induction of the role of C-section.

To conclude, C-section is very important for the purposes of playing a dominant role for the purposes of the well being of the mother and child.

Cesarean Section Risks Procedure Complications

When the cesarean is performed you have to weigh the pros and cons of the procedure. This also involves having a glimpse of the added benefits as well as the risks of going a cesarean operation for giving birth to a child. Sometimes the merits of this exercise more than offset the risks of the exercise and give soothing comfort to the offspring in a systematic manner. But normal births are more advantageous without anything said against it.

This is major surgery in spite of the fact of advancement of medical science risks are prevalent. The estimated risk of death after a normal birth is less then one in ten thousand as against 2,500 in the case of cesarean surgeries. There are a lot of estimated risks for a majority of sections of women population. Some medical conditions, such as cardiac problems expose the risk of normal births which are a degree superior to the cesarean births. Under such circumstances normal births are more risky.

There are a lot of risks for the baby such as breathing problems, premature birth, fetal injury, low apgar scores, affecting anesthesia levels which are attendant problems and risks for a baby during the birth time.
Sometimes there are risks for mother also which can be enumerated in the following paragraphs. These risks are increased blood loss, infection, decreased bowel function, longer medical stay, and risks due to additional surgeries, respiratory complications, blood clots, Reactions to anesthesia as well as injury on the bladder or bowel are the various risks involved for mothers which need to be taken care of at the time of surgery with all the precautions intact with all the technologies involved for the purposes of tackling this critical situation.
If all these precautions are taken this surgery is considered relatively very safe. In spite of more complications it involves at the time of delivery. Your recovery time is more prolonged than a normal delivery. The most universal complications for the mother are outlined below. These involve maternal death, heavy blood loss, infection, nausea, and vomiting, severe headache after the delivery, as well as blood clot in a vein.

These complications may have to be counter balanced by way of taking further precautions in times of surgery and its aftermath after taking into account all the medical technologies available vis-à-vis all the complications for arriving at a balanced approach.
There are certain risks which affect the infants also such as lung immaturity, neonatal care, as well as getting bruised up during the delivery.
These risks have to be carefully controlled at the time of birth with the expertise of gynecologists as well as advancement in medical sciences.
Most women recover from these births even without complications. The only word of caution is that this has to give more time for convalescence for getting all the incisions or scars to heal up eventually.
There are a lot of risks involved in these cesarean sections but with the expertise of doctors as well as advancement in medical sciences and facilities available in hospitals for mitigating risks these can be combated successfully to add an feather on the cap of medical sciences.

Cesarean Section Stiches


Anesthesiologists are frequently available when a patient has arrested. If available, they can administer anesthetic as appropriate.


Equipment includes the following:
  • Cesarean delivery or abdominal major kit, if available in the emergency setting
  • Scalpel, No. 10
  • Hemostats
  • Suction
  • Large scissors
  • Gauze sponges
  • Large retractors or bladder retractor (sometimes difficult to find but very useful)

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